Executive Board

The Executive Board shall assist and advise the director on emerging issues, including guidance on budget, program priorities, curricular issues to be brought to a vote before the core faculty. The Executive Board comprises the APA Studies program director (ex officio), APA Studies program coordinator (ex officio), and three members elected from the core faculty.
sitara thobani photo

Sitara Thobani, Ph.D.

Director, APA Studies Program

Associate Professor, Residential College in the Arts & Humanities

E-mail: thobanis@msu.edu
kent weber headshot

Kent Weber, Ph.D.

Assistant Director, APA Studies Program

Assistant Professor, Department of History

E-mail: weberke5@msu.edu

Joy Hannibal, Ph.D.

Executive Board Member, APA Studies Program 

Assistant Director, Detroit M.A.D.E. Scholars Program

E-mail: hanniba2@msu.edu
Noreen Naseem Rodríguez

Noreen Naseem Rodríguez, Ph.D.

Executive Board Member, APA Studies Program

Assistant Professor, College of Education

E-mail: nrdz@msu.edu

anna pegler-gordon headshot

Anna Pegler-Gordon, Ph.D.

Executive Board Member, APA Studies Program

Professor, James Madison College

E-mail: gordonap@msu.edu