
The APA Studies program offers job opportunities and can assist students with scholarships and finding job and internship opportunities.

EP infographicSpecial Invite: Emerging Philanthropists program

Asian American Futures (AAF) is a philanthropic organization that seeks to ensure Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) are Seen, Heard, Empowered, and United, and AAF is partnering with Gold House to kick off their third annual Gold Futures Challenge. This grants competition awards $500,000 to 10 AAPI-serving nonprofits, driving resources to and democratizing philanthropy for AAPI communities. Moreover, part of the GFC includes their Emerging Philanthropists program, dedicated to leaders looking for insights on the philanthropic space. Through workshops and networking opportunities, participants will discover their values and explore different pathways in civic engagement.

Email Hapshiba Kwon at hapshiba@asianamericanfutures.org or visit GoldFuturesChallenge.org with questions. The application link can be found here.

Soft application deadline: April 30, 2023


APA Studies Program Assistant: Works under the supervision of the Program Coordinator to aid in the overall promotion, development, organization of the APA Studies Program. Currently unavailable. 

APPIs in Philanthropy Job Listings

NAAAP Job Listings



Awards and Fellowships

Due January 17th, 2023
1st place $500, 2nd place $250

Who in the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) community do you admire, and/or who in the community do you think is under-recognized? Submit a 2 page (single-space) essay to apastudy@msu.edu.

Due January 17th, 2023
Two $1,000 scholarships

What you think that today's APIDA community needs the most? What resources do you think that the community should have to meet these needs? Submit a 4 pages (single-space) essay and your resume to apastudy@msu.edu, and ask one person who can describe your commitment to the community and/or social justice to send a recommendation letter directly to the same address.
