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SSC 293 Introduction to Asian Pacific American Studies

Introduction to Asian Pacific American Studies (SSC 293) is offered every spring. The course covers issues that define the study of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American communities, including their history, immigration, psychology, literature, family, women's issues, activism, politics, and adoption.

Whitney McDowell.

"I came to this class to learn more about my Chamorro culture and that’s exactly what I did! The class also opened my eyes to so many more things that I previously was just unaware of and did not learn in school, for example, knowing who Vincent Chin was. I think everyone at some point in their college career should take this class!"

Whitney McDowell, Psychology Major, Spring 2020 SSC 293

"As an intro class, you don't really expect "much" in terms of what you can learn in terms of content, and there wasn't much I expected when it came to how this class would make me feel about being Asian American. I took this class because I had never taken a class that was related to Asian studies, and I thought it would be interesting. This class not only taught me so much about the proper terminology to use for Asian-Americans (I finally learned what APIDA stands for!), but it also made me very proud to be Asian American. The class brought to light a lot of hardships and history that had happened, and it opened my eyes to being more understanding of the people around me. The guest speakers are interesting, the class projects/homework is useful, and the students in the class make it better since it's a small class. I highly recommend this class for any student (whether you are Asian-American or not), since I truly believe it will benefit anyone who attends."

Hannah Wong, Spring 2020 SSC 293

Hannah Wong.
Elizabeth Accad.

"The class touches on important ideas that affect and impact Asian Americans today and discusses important parts of our history that are not commonly taught to us. You will get to learn and apply your knowledge in fun and creative ways and connect with your classmate's views through thoughtful discussion."

Elizabeth Accad, Comparative Cultures and Politics Major, Spring 2020 SSC 293